Ground Source Energy Systems

With the issues surrounding climate change and dwindling fossil fuel reserves there has been significant interest and progress with utilising alternative, more sustainable and cost-efficient forms of energy. One such source is geothermal energy which involves the use of geology and groundwater as part of an energy system which can assist with meeting the heating and cooling requirements of a wide variety of buildings and developments.

A number of systems have already been installed in a range of government and private developments across Northern Ireland and more are planned. Whist this technology is relatively new to Northern Ireland it is a proven and widely used technology elsewhere in the world.

  • Desktop Feasibility Studies.
  • Abstraction/Recharge Borehole Design.
  • Open/Closed Loop System Design.
  • Thermal Modelling.
  • Discharge Option Assessment.
  • Water Quality Analysis.
  • Regulatory Permission Applications.
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