Flood Risk Assessment

The prevalent issues of climate change and associated impacts on our built and natural environment have emphasized the necessity to reduce and manage potential risks for the future.

In response to climate change, Environmental Regulators and Planners have adopted more stringent policies on the requirements for undertaking comprehensive Flood Risk Assessments, both inland and coastal, and any future developments deemed to be at risk from flooding will be required to complete a Flood Risk Assessment.

Specializing in hydrology and hydrometrics, we offer a comprehensive suite of flood risk assessment & hydrometric services to include:

  • Hydrometric monitoring and analysis.
  • Flow determination and helical flow analysis.
  • Bathymetry surveys and assessments.
  • Flood Plain and Flow Path Assessments.
  • Coastal Flood Assessments and Storm surge modelling.
  • Rainfall-runoff analysis.
  • River hydraulics.
  • River level forecasting.
  • Geometric data collection.
  • Floodplain encroachment assessments.
  • Channel Design Assessments.
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